Ten years ago, a volcanic eruption brought Japan's Ayaka Islands to the brink of destruction. Since then, Yukito Yanagi has lived with foster families on the mainland, but he has isolated himself from others following a disturbing incident. Due to the wishes of his late father, Makoto, Yukito is brought back to his birthplace on the day of his middle school graduation. There he meets Makoto's disciples and learns of the supernatural state of the region. Mysterious life forms known as Mitama inhabit the islands, but their potential to feed off humans' negative energy and turn into ferocious monsters called Ara-Mitama endangers the islanders' lives.
Yukito discovers that, like his father, he is a Ley Master—a special individual with abilities akin to magic, tasked with pacifying the Ara-Mitama. As he learns to overcome his trauma and control his powers, Yukito decides to follow in his father's footsteps and become a first-rate Ley Master to protect the peace of Ayaka.
Summer 2023
As a child, Yuu Kusaka made a vow upon a shooting star that he would stand on the side of justice and defend the weak. However, the death of one of his friends robs him of the desire to live up to that vow, and he turns a blind eye to the misery of others, using the mysterious power he possesses as a means of making money instead of helping those in need. His days of living only for himself continue, until he's forced to fight for his life against another classmate with powers similar to his. He's saved by a mysterious girl named Eimu Yoake, who also has strange powers.
Eimu reveals that his powers stem from a creature known as an Ayakashi, a parasitic being that grants the user special abilities at the price of slowly draining the life of the host. She helps him fully awaken his own. Now aware of the ayakashi he possesses, Yuu must live up to his childhood vow, putting his ayakashi to use and fend off those who would use their own for evil, all while unraveling the mystery behind the death of his friend.
Winter 2008
B-Legend! Battle B-Daman
Upon the creation of marble launching machines known as B-Daman, people started to participate in the competitive sport B-DaBattles. However, B-Daman contain hidden powers which enhance marble shooting that can be misused for combative purposes.
One night, a certain object residing behind the walls of a restaurant calls upon Yamato Daiwa—a boy raised by cats. Yamato has been having visions of the object which resembles a machine familiar to everyone. Little does he know, hidden behind the walls is not a mere machine, but the fate of the world.
Winter 2004
Balala Xiao Mo Xian: Caihong Xin Shi
After the fairies defeated Gunala, the Evil Goddess, another crisis hit the Fairy Castle!! The magical energy of the world has been devoured by the evil wizards. The Rainbow Flower, the source of the magic power, is soon to wither, and this will destroy the world of Fairy Castle. Only finding the legendary Rainbow Heart Stone and letting it recollect all the essential energy can save the world. To solve this biggest crisis in the history of the Fairy Castle, Prince YouLe, Sally, and their new friend XiaoQian, have to go back to the human world and reunite with Maggie and Michelle to fight the evil again.
(Source: Mahou Shoujo Wikia, edited)
Spring 2011
Bai Lian Cheng Shen
Winter 2022
Bai Lian Feisheng Lu 2nd Season
Winter 2024
Bai She II: Qing She Jie Qi
Winter 2021
Bai Yao Pu
Winter 2020
Bai Yao Pu 2nd Season
Winter 2021
Bai Yao Pu 3rd Season
Winter 2022
Bai Yao Pu 4th Season
Winter 2024
Spring 2006
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Spring 2007
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Gundalian Invaders
Spring 2011
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: New Vestroia
Spring 2010
Bakugan: Battle Planet
Spring 2019
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Mechtanium Surge
Winter 2018
Bakumatsu Gijinden Roman
Winter 2013
Balala Xiao Mo Xian: Mofa Hai Ying Bao
Fall 2018
Ban Shen Zhi Jing
Winter 2023
Banjjagbanjjag Catch! Tiniping
Fall 2021
Bastard!! Ankoku no Hakaishin
Winter 1992
Battle Spirits: Double Drive
Spring 2016
Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes
Fall 2012
Battle Spirits: Sword Eyes Gekitouden
Spring 2013
Bouken Ou Beet
Fall 2004
Bouken Ou Beet Excellion
Fall 2005
Summer 2016